Welcome to our family, Eliana Ruth

AAP_3822Eliana- “My God answers”

There are times in your life when you have questions so powerful, that all of your energy is given to finding an answer. It can consume you. Every waking moment is spent longing for some kind of sign, a resolution, an explanation, an answer.   Will she say yes? Did I pass? Who’s gonna win? Will I get the job? Are the results benign, or malignant?

It can feel like your entire life hinges on the answer.

Yet there are other times when an answer comes unexpectedly.  Sometimes you don’t even know there is a question until the answer presents itself.  A need is met that you didn’t know you had. A doubt you’ve never articulated is resolved.  A mystery from your past is revealed; “Oh, that’s why I do that…”

The answer is given before you know the question, and then you realize you’ve been asking it all along.

My sweet Eliana, you are God’s answer for our family.  Before you came we didn’t know how much we needed you. But now that you are here, we can see how incomplete we were without you. You were just the answer we needed. God knew what our family needed, and it was you. We didn’t even fully understand the question, but the answer is better than we could have ever hoped for.

May you continue to be the answer that the world needs. May God’s promises be reflected through you. When those around you wait anxiously for a sign, a word, or a result, may your life be an answer from the Lord.  Even when the question isn’t fully understood, may you bring resolution.   Whether it be by your presence, your actions, or your words, may you remind the world that God answers. Remind them that He is a kind Father, and in Him is every answer.

Ruth- “Compassionate friend”

Naomi had nothing. Her husband, who had moved their family to a different country in search of work, was now dead. Her sons, who would have cared for her after their father died, also were dead. She was a widow in a foreign land with no one to care for her. In the ancient world this wasn’t just a mark of disgrace, this was a death sentence. There was no welfare system, no safety net to catch an old widow.  Socially she would never fit in; she was a foreigner. Emotionally she would crumble; who would comfort her?  Financially she was destitute; she had no means of providing for herself. She was ruined.

But something happened that she didn’t expect: Ruth stayed with her. Both of Naomi’s sons had married, and when they died, they left behind widows. One widow left to start a new family, but not Ruth. Ruth stayed with Naomi. Even though Naomi couldn’t offer Ruth anything in return, she stayed by her side.

Naomi knew that Ruth needed to start a new life. She even tried to get her to leave. “Go start over.  There is nothing left for you here.”  But Ruth would have none of it.

“Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.”

‭Ruth 1:16-17 ‬

Eliana Ruth, there will be times in your life when you must be a friend to those who offer you nothing. In fact, it may cost you dearly to stay by their side. Socially, emotionally, even financially: some friendships can be costly.

But may you be a friend who remains when everyone else has left. When death seems to have chewed up everything and every one, may you be the friend who stays. Be a friend to the friendless. Just as the Lord stays by your side, regardless of what you’ve done or what’s happened, may you do the same.

We love you Eliana Ruth. Welcome to our family. You’re just who we needed.
Love, Your Dad


AAP_3840AAP_3807AAP_3871All photos by Amanda Armitage when Ella was 2.5 weeks old.

Interested in how we named her brothers? Here are Luke, Theo and Noah’s meanings.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to our family, Eliana Ruth

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