2019 Christmas Countdown

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Merry Christmas!  Every year I write a digital Christmas letter; a modern-day version of the one my mom would carefully write, print and mail to family and friends. Now that I’m the mom, I feel the need to tell you that this highlight reel is written with a backdrop of milk being spilled all over the kitchen and a chorus of ninjas running wild underfoot.  

We love Christmas because the God of all came to us, bringing order to chaos, peace to our troubles and joy to the world.  

10 Mittens to grab on the way out the door

This year our family entered a new season- elementary school! It has definitely been been an adjustment (especially getting 4 kids out the door by 8am WITH matching mittens and winter gear), but we’re hoping all this practice makes it easier when the other 3 kids start kindergarten in the next 4 years.  As Detroiters, our school choice has been the topic of many conversations over the years and we’re so thankful to have found an amazing, walkable school that is invested in our neighborhood.


9 Credit Hours

The big news over here is that Josh has enrolled in a doctoral program at University of Detroit Mercy and starts his first 9 credit hours in a few weeks! He’ll still be working full time- he loves doing anesthesia and being the staff educator at Henry Ford Hospital. We’re both excited that he gets to pursue these dreams a bit sooner than we expected, and as we witnessed God line all this up right now, it became a quick yes. He’s still a bike commuter- this year with snow tires and ski goggles.

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8 Families camping

We showed up to a Michigan State park this summer with 8 families and 36 kids under the age of 7… you can imagine the chaos and fun that ensued. We love our church friends and are so thankful to be raising our kids with such a great community in Detroit. We discovered that a small camper is a great way to take 4 kids on weekend adventures and are now sharing this camper with our neighbors.

7 Years of “Kids Need Camp”

If you know anything about us, you probably know that we love taking Detroit kids to SpringHill’s overnight camp each summer. This year we were able to raise enough money to send 14 kids to SpringHill! Not only that, but we posted an amazon wish list for things like swimsuits, sleeping bags and duffle bags- and it was all purchased within minutes. We are so humbled and grateful that so many of you make this life-changing week happen year after year. We can’t wait for next summer!

6 Plane tickets to Orlando (plus a baby on a lap)

When we travel now, it feels like a big ordeal, so we decided to make the most of it and head to Disney World for Ella’s first birthday (really, it was because our babysitter had that week off from her preschool job and we didn’t want to attempt it without her). We had a blast staying at our favorite place- Disney’s Fort Wilderness. We love the life of boat rides to the Magic Kingdom, driving a golf cart to the pool and the way Disney makes traveling with four small kids as pleasant as possible.

5 Year-old Theo

Theo turned 5 this summer! He’s still in preschool, but he’s taller than many 7 year olds. He’s a true extrovert, meeting and remembering every kid that comes to the new playground on our block. He loves to play legos, color and “exercise” (he makes up his own routines). He’s a great caretaker of Ella and wants to be a spy when he grows up.

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4 Kids to manage

It’s truly a whirlwind around here. A really cute one though.  Though I’m still getting used to the school routine, I’ve loved returning to my sweet spot as a kindergarten volunteer.  I’m so grateful that I get to do the ins and outs of my daily life with an amazing group of friends- one of which moved right next door this fall! After 7.5 years in Detroit, I’m noticing that God often places me in the role as a connector of people, resources and organizations and I’m trying to fit that in as much as I can during these “little years.”

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3 Backyard fiestas

Each summer we throw many parties, so this year Josh and I tried to perfect our backyard fiesta. Hosting continues to be one of our favorite things to do together. Hosting, whether big, small or long-term (we had friends with 4 kids stay with us for 2 months this year), is something our kids really look forward to as well. They keep asking, “So who is coming over today?”

2 Toddlers in the house

Ahhh, the toddlers. Noah and Ella are two peas in a pod. They are both charming & happy and strong-willed & destructive. Noah is almost 3- he loves going to preschool, knows all his friends names and makes everyone he comes in contact with feel like a star. He wants to be a fire fighter or Captain America when he grows up. Ella is 19 months old and loves music, climbing and being involved in family plans (she frequently shouts, “go! go! go!”). She’s the most verbal of all our kids and loves sharing her opinions. Theo says that Ella wants to be a princess when she grows up. The way her brothers treat her indicates she’s well on her way.

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1 Kindergarten student

Luke is 6 and loves school.  He’s figuring out all the rules and no longer getting in trouble for pretending to be a ninja when he’s supposed to be doing quiet work. The rest of us like the days that he’s home best- we’re all still feeling a little lost without his presence in our pack. No one else can tell a detailed, ten-part story (with lots of sound effects) like he can. He says he is an artist and a scientist and he wants to be a CRNA like his dad when he grows up.

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Whether we’ve known you forever or you happened to be in our backyard once, we are grateful for your friendship and the joy you add to our days.  Much love to you this season. 

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One thought on “2019 Christmas Countdown

  1. Merry Christmas to this very special Family who lives out their faith in amazing ways. What a wonderful example you are to young and old. God has blessed you richly, and our prayer is that He continues to do so thru out 2020.

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